Multi-Service Vehicle Shelter For Tunnel Construction

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This Multi-Service Vehicle Refuge Chamber is fitted with the client’s remote control system; its operation occurs from within the shelter.
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The TunnelSAFE (MSV) Multi-Service Vehicle Refuge Chamber is the newest addition to the tunnelling range. It offers an alternative to the TunnelSAFE Rail Design based on industry demand. The MSV refuge chamber can be fitted with a client’s remote control system, allowing the operation of the vehicle from within the refuge chamber.

Customising a Tunnel MSV Refuge Chamber

Manufactured for the Lyon-Turin tunnelling project in the French Alps, the custom TunnelSAFE MSV Design features a unique internal layout for transporting a high volume in emergencies. Unlike most refuge chambers that provide seating for all occupants, the Lyon-Turin chamber features a 24-person standing room with ceiling-mounted grab-rails and six auto-retracting seats designed to accommodate fire brigade personnel wearing complete BA equipment.

The TunnelSAFE MSV refuge chamber features a custom chamber profile and mounting points to allow simple installation to the client’s multi-service vehicle. It can be driven directly out of the tunnel in an emergency, with occupants safely sheltered in the mounted refuge chamber.

A side entry door complete with a step ladder and grab rails allows for quick entry into the chamber in an emergency. The service and maintenance team can access the battery backup unit easily due to the removable side panel.


Combating Fires and High Temperatures

To combat potentially high ambient temperatures on-site, the custom TunnelSAFE MSV also features MineARC’s unique misting system. The system assists in heat suppression of the external environment by emitting a fine mist of water around the chamber’s exterior. A temperature barrier around the shelter, created from the droplet size mist, will flash evaporate under high temperatures. This barrier maintains a life-sustainable internal environment. The water supply tank is integrated into the refuge chamber floor and provides up to two hours of operation once activated via an internal control switch.

Additional features of the Lyon-Turin TunnelSAFE MSV refuge chamber include:

MineARC’s priority is to offer the most advanced solutions on the market. As a result, much of our success stems from creating client-specific solutions, and our latest TunnelSAFE chamber is no exception.

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