Tag: Refuge Chamber Equipment

Permanent Refuge Shelters vs Fresh Air Bays

There are several differences in fresh air base and permanent shelter designs, impacting their emergency use suitability. Some critical variations include gas monitoring, multiple air supplies, cooling and a sealed environment. These differences have and will impact personnel well-being.

Moving A Refuge Chamber

Transporting and manoeuvring a refuge chamber can be a rather technical task, especially when considering the size and weight of a refuge chamber – not to mention the confines of mine declines and haulages. In this article, we’ll discuss the various options MineARC offers to suit various transportation and mine practicalities.

Why Do You Need an Airlock or Vestibule?

Why would you need an airlock or vestibule? This MineARC Tech Topic details various options and explains the value of adding an additional layer of protection to your refuge.

Why Can’t You Just Run Away?

Consider if you work at a facility that uses chemicals or are within an area that transports them. Is it viable for you to evacuate the area safely and…

What is a Refuge Chamber Scrubbing System?

What is a scrubbing system and how does it work? A refuge chamber scrubber uses chemical reactions to remove contaminants from the air within a sealed environment.

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