Hinged Training Chamber – Series IV
The MineSAFE Standard Design Hinged Training Chamber offers the same advanced features as the standard training unit, with the added benefit of a fully sealing, oversized door.
This chamber is designed so that the entire face of the unit can hinge outwards; providing the ability to train a large group, whilst also showcasing the effects of a positive pressure environment.
The MineSAFE Standard Design Hinged Training Chamber is engineered based on the MineSAFE Standard Design Refuge Chamber and features the flagship Series IV controller and scrubbing system; the most advanced safe-refuge technology in the world. The system features improvements on the older Series III model, including i.V.A.N (Intelligent Voice Audio Navigation), MARCISORB pre-packaged chemical cartridges and improved data logging capabilities.

The MineSAFE Standard Design Training Chamber features all of the major life-supporting features of a standard refuge chamber, including a Series IV scrubbing system, Compressed Air Management System (CAMS), battery bank and internal/external lighting and sirens. This allows sites to conduct comprehensive training in both the service and operation of all the vital componentry of a real-life MineARC Refuge Chamber.
- Aura-FX Fixed Gas Monitoring
- Refuge chamber Series IV control and scrubbing system
- Chemical cartridge simulation props
- External mine air filter kit
- Air conditioning and dehumidifying system
- Four-battery bank to power control system
- Internal lighting
- External warning siren and strobe lights
- Communications system
- 4-person seating
- Training manuals and video
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