A Step Forward in Life-Saving Technology
MineARC Systems is excited to be partnering with DEZEGA; bringing together a combined total of 80 years experience in…
MineARC Systems is excited to be partnering with DEZEGA; bringing together a combined total of 80 years experience in…
ERT has taken Erica A. Gallegos Arias all over the world; she shares her progression, from trainee to international judge of mine rescue events.
Competition-winning medic, Sandra Wagner shares the reality of ERTs and the connections which stem from such teams.
Indonesia’s Emergency Response Team (ERT) participate in their first international mines rescue competition in Perth, Western Australia.
Papua New Guinea Mine improves on-site safety with a proactive refuge chamber service plan and equipment upgrade.
Papua New Guinea Mine improves on-site health and safety with a proactive underground toilet service plan.
Lundin Mining improved its safety education program by repurposing an out-of-operation refuge chamber to provide on-site training.
Safety at Tüprag, a focus as the mine expands, triggering the growth of its refuge chamber fleet, incorporating new technology and automation
An easy to follow guide on how to install and connect GuardIAN Refuge Chamber Monitoring with IT equipment on site.
Heat can quickly accumulate inside a refuge chamber; proper cooling systems are essential to keep occupants safe.