Self-Contained Self-Rescuer - DEZEGA Ci-30 KS

The DEZEGA Ci-30 KS  Self-Contained Self-Rescuer is a portable waist-worn SCSR that is used for escape from irrespirable atmospheres over medium- and short-haul routes in underground mining scenarios.

The self-rescuer contains a cartridge with chemically bound oxygen (KO2) – enough to leave a danger zone within 30 minutes, or to wait for help for up to 90 minutes. As oxygen is released, the active cartridge substance simultaneously absorbs carbon dioxide, and thus the SCSR completely isolates the user’s respiratory organs from the hazard.

The DEZEGA Ci-30 KS SCSR is a closed-circuit breathing apparatus, ensuring the user does not inhale outside gases after donning. The device provides the user with both an oxygen source and a carbon dioxide neutraliser (scrubber).

Chemically bound oxygen reacts with the carbon dioxide exhaled by the user; ultimately absorbing the CO2 and and allowing breathable air to circulate within the device.

The Ci-30 KS features an automatic starter, in which oxygen generation begins automatically when the self-rescuer is donned and exhalation is detected.

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