Mine Paramedic Vehicle - MineSAFE Ambulance
The MineSAFE Ambulance provides a unique solution to safe and secure patient extraction from underground mining environments.
This modern transport vehicle, engineered specifically for off-road mining environments, gives paramedics the flexibility to safely transport injured personnel to the surface. The rear cabin of the ambulance features space for two medics, as well as room for a stretcher and first aid equipment.
The unique design of the rear carrier makes transfer from the MineSAFE Ambulance to a traditional surface ambulance quick and easy.
A MineARC cabin can be integrated with any brand of mine vehicle, depending on site requirements and preference.

- 2-person carrier plus secure stretcher compartment
- Five-point seat belt for rear cabin passengers
- Medical grade oxygen cylinder with flow meter and therapy masks
- Internal storage compartments for first aid equipment
Mine Paramedic Vehicle - Interior View
The rear carrier features MineARC System’s proprietary life support equipment; from the latest in gas monitoring technology to advanced breathable air management. A sealed, positive pressure environment prevents the ingress of toxins and smoke during rescue operations.
• Optional CO scrubbing
• Suitable for SCSR’s
• Securing strap system
• Custom seat backs to accommodate rebreathers
• Seatbelts
Mine Paramedic Vehicle - Rear View
• Safety & operational
• Optional extra: Multiple languages